High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) uses ultrasound waves to create a wound at a dermal level without affecting the top few layers of skin. This advanced treatment works to lift, tighten and knock years off the complexion, without the need for invasive surgery. HIFU is a breakthrough, non-invasive procedure with no downtime for lifting and tightening sagging skin of the brows, cheeks, lower face (jowls), jawline and neck. It uses ultrasound waves to create a wound at a dermal level without affecting the top few layers of skin. It is the only treatment in the market that reaches the SMAS layer (muscle).

 HIFU works to tighten the same muscles that are tightened during an actual facelift. HIFU increases elasticity of skin, sagging of skin, and smooths the skin texture. There is an initial tightening of the skin which gives you an immediate refreshed look with firmer and lifted skin texture. Once the collagen induction process has begun and has had a chance to kick in (4-6 weeks post treatment) a dramatic visible improvement in facial contouring and visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles will be evident. Results continuously improve up to 6 months down the track while your skin cells are repairing and regenerating.

Skin tightening for Face and Body - HIFU

Choose This Treatment if

Perfect for those who can't afford the social downtime

Have difficult to treat fat pockets such as under the chin, bra line etc

Perfect option to consider If you're not ready for surgery

  • Non Surgical, no downtime

    Results achieved within 1 - 3 sessions

  • Safe and Mild tenderness

    Stimulate Collagen Face and Body


Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions are needed?

HIFU is a great treatment and delivers dramatic results as little as one allow 90-120 days to see full results depeding on age and underlying skin conditions – up to three sessions. Please give yourself a 5 week break in between HIFU sessions.

What areas can be treated?

Who is eligible for HIFU treatments?

What is the aftercare process?