ACI  is anti-aging and corrective treatment that uses a high powerered micro-channelling device . This treatment is not just a clear winner for management of ageing concerns but also works beautifully on acne, scarring (including c- section scars), rosacea, uneven or hyperpigmented skin concerns. It is a stand out performer for pigmentation especially because unlike laser it is not a heat based treatment which can in some people exacerbate the issue.

  • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles across the face

  • Thickens the epidermis and deposits softer, lighter, more flexible collagen

  • Reduces appearance of acne and acne scarring

  • Tightens facial skin 

  • Decreases pigment irregularities

ACIM incorporates Microchanneling using a mechanised stamper to create tiny, clean microchannels in the skin. These tiny channels stimulate collagen production, and increase the rate of serum absorption by 400%. The device uses needles made from Medical grade stainless steel needles, small enough to fit into a hair follicle. This minimises damage to the dermis for faster recovery.

Similar to microneedling however this treatment would be glassed as a true Skin corrective treatment. Due to power of the device  and collagen stimulation the device can induce one session is equivalent to approx 3 standard microneedling sessions. This is the gold standard when it comes to needling. 

  • This treatment is 90- 120 minutes long  anaesthetic must be used. Depending on the areas and number of areas being treated: face, neck, and/or chest, or any combination of these areas.

  • Treatment time may include prepping, numbing, and the microchanneling process. Usually mild discomfort can be expected with minimal to no downtime which makes this treatment so appealing!

  • Clients can expect to resume normal activity within 24 to 72 hours depending on needle depth.

  • The number of treatments and needle depth used is individualized to clients’ skin concerns and clinician recommendations. On average most clients benefit from a series of three to six microchanneling treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart and continuing with a maintenance plan.

This is an intensive skin revision treatment

Equivalent to three microneedling pen tretments
Resets cellular function
Tightens and retextures skin
Evens skin tone and balances pigmentation
Can assist wrinkles and expression lines, including smokers' lines, crows' feet and eyelids
Tightens sagging jaws and neck
Relaxes scars – breaks up collagen and elastin fibres formed to make scars, collagen and elastin realign to reduce visible signs of scarring


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Microneedling and this treatment?

The Biggest difference is in the devices and how the treatment is performed. Advanced micro-channelling reduces tearing to the upper structures of the skin by more than 85% due to how the treatment is performed. When it comes to Collagen induction, the Adv micro-channelling treatment hands down creates more micro wounds in the skin for better serum absorption and instigates more production of proteins for the skin to rebuild itself hence better skin structural outcomes.

Do you need anaesthetic for this treatment?

Yes. Because of the amount of extra needles and the size of the device in comparison to a standard pen device.

Why is it equivalent to three regular micro-needling sessions?

Due to the sheer amount of 'micro injuries' created in the skin is estimated to be thousands more.


Contact form

You are welcome to direct your questions via email or on 0478 808 747. Please allow at least 24hrs for a response. Thank you for your patience.