There are many factors that can either cause directly or contribute to causing hair loss. Some of the most common are:

  • Genetics-related reasons.
  • Hormonal changes including pregnancy and menopause.
  • Thyroid-related diseases.
  • Specific nutritional deficiencies, such as iron or protein deficiency.
  • Scalp infections.
  • Chemotherapy or other invasive medical treatments.
  • Stress, anxiety, and trauma.
  • Covid 19 induced hair loss

We have several serum options available and at your consultation at your request we can also happily supply clinical in vitro studies proving the efficacy of the products we've chosen as well as how they compare to other options like PRP. We want  you to rest assured that your treatment is backed by science. 

Our Professional Advanced Hair System contains essential proteins and other substances that promote growth and are derived from stem cells. This serum helps to stimulate, nourish, and condition weak and under-performing hair follicles by providing them with the right support to enhance the healthy growth and fuller appearance of the hair.

Throughout our lives, our hair follicles go through regular cycles of growth and rest. Sometimes, however, these cycles are impaired or disrupted.

This can be due to many different factors, including genetics, environmental stressors, or specific disorders and deficiencies. As a result, natural and healthy hair growth can be interrupted.

When this happens, people can take corrective measures to help boost cell growth as well as promote fresh oxygenated blood flow to the interested area. Our Professional Advanced Hair System acts by strengthening the hair follicles, it can reduce, delay, or sometimes prevent premature hair loss.

In general, some of the most common hair loss conditions that this hair serum can help with are:

  • Telogen Effluvium (clumps of hair falling out)
  • Post-partum hair loss
  • Alopecia (especially if the treatment begins at the very early stages of the condition)


Essentially, when the hair growth cycle is interrupted and the environment is unhealthy, there are a number of disorders that can occur, with or without the genetic factors present. A vitamin or mineral deficiency, inflammation and impaired cell immunity can all interrupt the hair growth cycle.

Corrective measures which promote anti-inflammatory, anti- oxidative effects to help increase cell signalling and fresh oxygenated blood flow to the area should be considered when putting together a Professional treatment management plan.

Can we reverse long term Hair Loss? Absolutely not. Currently there is no product or device on the market that can do so. I would not recommend our Professional Advanced Hair System treatment (or PRP for that matter) to someone with advanced or extreme hair loss where all follicle activity has ceased, however in early stages of many types of hair loss it can help achieve remarkable results. The Key is to take action and book a consult as soon as symptoms appear don't wait years or months to do something about it. 





Frequently Asked Questions

Who can NOT have treatment?

If you are experiencing any of the following or have permanent hair loss. Burning or pain Patches of rough, scaly skin or scarring Pustules or crusting

Factors that may inhibit the effictiveness of the Treatment?

These are some conditions that affect hair growth and may impede results from the Advanced Hair System: Vitamin deficiency if not addressed Pregnancy and birth Lupus or discoid lupus Rheumatologic conditions or autoimmune disease or if not being treated. Thyroid problems History of breast, ovarian, cervical or uterine cancer Other medical conditions

How fast Can I expect to notice results?

Most of our clinical studies have been done in 6 weeks with significant results. There have been continued growth for patients who have continued with the treatment. Some users may enjoy better results if they embark on two x 6 week treatment programs continuously (ie 12 week treatment program). Please be aware that individual results do vary as well.


Contact form

You are welcome to direct your questions via email info@withskin.com.au or on 0478 808 747. Please allow at least 24hrs for a response. Thank you for your patience.